Hey Aaron,

"I'll think about it" can't be an answer."I don't know" isn't an answer."Maybe," is definitely not an answer.The answer should be yes."Why?" You may ponder, there are several reasons why you should date me, like how it was. Yes, there are many benifits and downfalls to being in a relationship with me. This is something to take in to serious consideration and when they say "ooh there is no correct answer!" There always is. The correct answer is yes, but you will not face any penalty if it is no. I don't condone rejection and will beat you up for it.. Jokes aside, I hope this essay may give you into consideration on why we should date again, and how it can benifit both of us.

What will happen?

You'll be treated like the only person on earth. Showing affection isn't hard for me since, you know I'm a pretty affectionate person. There is so many things to love about you, and I don't want to pretend like there isn't. You are amazing and you make me really positive about how I will go on. I've stopped joke-flirting with people and am willing to stop talking to anyone you dislike, no exceptions, no returns. Anything you want, I will give to you. Obviously I can't afford anything you can't legally obtain yet, or something like that. I will work hard for what you want, and if you get impatient, I'll just work harder and faster.(Pause.) I have no plan on returning to my old ways at all. I have been confident and inspired to change and be different from before. I apologize for not being able to change the thoughts i get. Depression is hard to get through, but I will not use it as an excuse to be rude towards you. I understand that things have consequences and there isn't always an answer to things you can't control. I hope you can understand that what I do isn't by accident. I admit to doing wrong things, I look back, I regret. Regret doesn't mean it wont happen again, but it does mean I will give it my all to make sure it wont. If you ever let me know if something I did wrong, I will 100% reassure it and fix it. I know I can't change much, but I will change what ever i can. I will start listening more, understanding, and just over all be there as much as I can, not like I'm busy anyways. Like I've said before, I can't control my emotions, but what I will control are my actions now. I will stop taking it out on you, and if you let me, might vent or express myself to you. It isn't hard to love you, it's hard to see you. I won't let my emotinos get the better of me any more, I understand I must be patient and I have trouble doing so, but I wont give up any time soon.

What do you have to do?

Not much. I never meant to blame you for so much, when it isn't all your fault. In fact, I tell myself it's not your fault sometimes when it's part your fault, not even fully though. You're not the one to fully blame, and I hope you can understand I do tend to get ahead of myself and freak out. Just being communicative, expressing, letting me know how you feel about certain things: It's all you need to do! (And love me, of course.) I'm not asking for much, but I'm willing to do whatever you tell me, even if it's more. I just want your love and time.

Why you should date me?

Because according to Havard's Love Research, "When we are falling in love, chemicals associated with the reward circuit flood our brain, producing a variety of physical and emotional responses..."(4) The "reward circuit" is dopamine, dopamine is "known as the 'feel-good' hormone. It gives you a sense of pleasure. It also gives you the motivation to do something when you're feeling pleasure."(CleavelandClinic.org)When you are intimate with someone, you may feel that hormone take action when you are. Oxytocin, known as the "love hormone" takes action as well. Oxytocin takes place once you feel a stronger connection while being intimate. "This release of oxytocin can strengthen your bond, in part because it may decrease your interestTrusted Source in other potential partners. In short, the better your partner makes you feel, the closer you'll likely want to become." Oxytocin takes a big part in my feelings for you, and I feel at one time it did the same. Having positive feelings with a partner can probably be the best thing you can feel. Setting boundaries and having communication can help with problems in relationships, whether to feel secure or because of insecurity. Understandment of one's partner is very important to have a healthy relationship, it's what you want, correct? "The benefits of social connections and good mental health are numerous. Proven links include lower rates of anxiety and depression, higher self-esteem, greater empathy, and more trusting and cooperative relationships."(BetterHealthChannel) According to all the sites I've researched, Being in a relationship is probably one of the best things that can happen to you. It provides support for better mental and emotional health. Being alone does the complete opposite, "Loneliness can have dramatic consequences for your health. Loneliness can lead to disrupted sleep patterns, elevated blood pressure, and increased cortisol (a stress hormone)."(BHC).Building trust and decreasing insecurity isn't hard, and neither is me without you :/

Why shouldn't you date me?

Though it's hard to admit, there are reasons you shouldn't date me, sadly. It all starts off with freedom, not saying you can't do these things, but you really shouldn't. You shouldn't be intimate with other people. You shouldn't lie/hide things. And you shouldn't ignore out of no where. It's the basics, but still comes off pretty strong. Those are the reasons you shouldn't date, to have that freedom to roam and fuck around with other people. Another reason may be that there is time and effort that needs to be put in a relationship. If you don't want to do that, it is also counted as another reason. I know I'm not that attractive, neither.

To the conclusion...

I don't want to just be in a random relationship, I want to be in a relationship with YOU. I'm willing to take any risk there is in doing so. I love you and will always be there to support you. But if you want to do any of the above, then I will try my best to take it in smoothly. From October, 2020 to now, I always wanted to be with you

Here are my favourite moments of history, and something to remind you of

One of the cutest pictures we took, what a day.

These pictures, we were so happy back then, weren't we?

From our first picture to our last, I still look back and see how cute you always are.

I drew and edited this for you, to make my pfp after we got back together, but...